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Abruzzo is something of an enigma

Posted by Monica Verrocchio on Agosto 8, 2023

But just two hours away from Rome, the hills and valleys of Italy’s Abruzzo National Park, are a triumph of conservation and rewilding. Abruzzo is one of Italy’s top places to live, it’s despite proximity to Rome. For those wishing to enjoy good food, a rich history and culture, a peaceful environment and to connect with the lush and diverse nature of the region. And guess what? It’s affordable!  Whether you’re seeking a part-time holiday home or looking to reside permanently, from Rustic to modern, the Abruzzo Region has endless possibilities to suit all lifestyles.   HILLS – AREA  Looking for a stone famhouse in the country? How about a historic residence in one of the many ancient towns and villages or townhouse with a seaside or mountain view? The  MOUNTAIN –AREA  Abruzzo’s scenic National Parks and its Gran Sasso and Majella mountain ranges are perfect for hiking and nature walks, and the many ancient villages scattered throughout the countryside are ideal to sample some of the best traditional Abruzzo cuisine while immersing yourself in town life and experiencing traditional folklore and history via local monuments, museums and cultural events like annual village festivals.  The SEA –AREA the Adriatic coast offer spectacular sea views, seaside biking trails and traditional fresh seafood restaurants,presently  most people are living NEXT TO THE COAST, here you can find all the conveniences of  modern  cities, infrastrutures and “la Bella Vita” with many culture events


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